Marine Terminology

 Aft......................................Referring to or toward the stern (rear) of a vessel.

All hands............................All members of a command.

As you were.......................Resume former activity.

Astern..................................To the rear or behind you.

Aye, Aye, Sir.......................Correct form to acknowledge a direct order. Naval custom.

Bivouac...............................Term for a camp area in the field.

Boot....................................A Marine recuit.

Bow...................................The front portion of a ship.

Bridge................................The portion of a ship's structure from which it is controlled.

Brig....................................A place of confinement; a prison.

Bulkhead..............................A wall.

Carry On.............................The order to resume previous activity.

Corpsman or Doc.................A Marine or Naval term for "medic".

Cover...................................Any form of headgear other than a helmet.

FAC.....................................Forward Air Controller. A pilot serving with infantry units who is
responsible for coordinating close-air support with ground action.

Field Day............................Thorough cleaning of a room or area.

Fighting Hole......................A position dug into the ground to provide cover and concelment from the enemy, usually used in a defensive environment.  Not to be confused with a Fox Hole.

Fire Team............................The second smallest tactical unit in the Corps. The smallest is the
individual rifleman. Three Marine riflemen and a Fire Team Leader make up a fire team.

FMF.....................................Fleet Marine Force.

Galley.................................Shipboard kitchen; kitchen of a mess hall; mobile field kitchen.

Grunt...................................A Marine infantryman.

Gung-Ho..............................Chinese term for "working together". Understood as the team spirit
pervasive in Marine Corps life. First used in Marine Raider Battalions during WWII.

Gunner.................................Marine Warrent Officers specializing in combat arms.  The only Warrent Officers who wear a bursting bomb device on the uniform collar.

Hatch.................................Door or doorway.

Head....................................Bathroom, toilet, restroom, or latrine.

Hootch.................................Anything from a tent to a wooden hut.

Irish Pennants.......................Loose thread or fiber on a uniform.

Junk on the Bunk..................During inspection, A Marine lays out all his gear and uniforms (junk) on a flat surface, such as a bunk.

K-Bar....................................A Marine's fighting knife.

Maggie's Drawers..................A complete miss on the firing range.

MEU (SOC).....................................Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable).

MOS.....................................Military Occupational Specialty, or a Marine's primary training.  For instance: 0300 is for infantry, 0200 would be intelligence, and 08oo would be artillery.

MRE....................................."Meal, Ready to Eat". Lightweight plastic packets of dehydrated food.

Mustang................................An enlisted man or woman who has obtained an Officer commission (not a Warrent Officer).

Office Hours........................Commanding Officers Non-Judicial Punishment under Article 32 of the UCMJ.

Police.................................To straighten or tidy up.


Rack.....................................A bed.

Report....................................Presenting yourself or a group for which you are responsible to a superior.

Round.....................................Bullet for a rifle or pistol or single load for any projectile firing weapon.


Scuttlebutt...............................A drinking fountain.

Seabag...............................The bag used to stow personal gear.

Secure.....................................To complete or end work on a project or the days work.

Sick Bay.............................Hospital or dispensary.


Squared Away.......................Someone or something that makes a good impression. Well maintained uniform or a successful exercise.


Stow.......................................Put away.

To-Blocked...........................Completely closed or at full extension.


Turn To...............................Begin work; get started.

Warrant Officers ..................Officers commissioned from the enlisted ranks due to their expertise in a certain occupational speciality.  Never addressed as Gunner.

782 Gear............................... The equipment a Marine carries in the field, including ALICE pace, web belt, suspenders, ammunition pouches, canteens, etc.  Also called Deuce-gear.

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